Is Your Car Due For a Tune-Up? 3 Signs That Can Guide You

20 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you have something new and valuable, you tend to give it the best care and attention. But when you become too familiar with it, this good habit fades away. That is especially true for a brand new car. Naturally, there is so much excitement when the motor is new, and you'll try to do everything possible to keep it in good condition. But sadly, as it gets old, the attention diminishes, and negligence starts.

Soon you will start forgetting about routine checkups with your mechanic. Neglecting your car is dangerous as it can lead to an unexpected break down in the middle of the highway. It is advisable to look out for signs of damage and get them fixed early to avoid such eventualities. Your vehicle will manifest the following symptoms when it's due for a tune-up:

1. You Are Struggling to Start the Engine

A car that won't start on the first or second attempt of ignition signals that something is not right. Though your mechanic can fix it, it tells you that you should probably have never postponed your tune-up appointment. The issue couldn't have gotten to this point had you gone for car servicing on time. Luckily, your mechanic can repair the dead battery and any other underlying problem in no time and allow you to proceed with your day's activities. 

2. Your Car Keeps Stalling

If your car stalls for no apparent reason, you should call your mechanic right away. A clog can damage the filter, or it could be faulty spark plugs. If you keep ignoring the problem, your car could stall in the most dangerous places, such as the highway or a busy intersection. It is always good to have your vehicle checked and serviced on time to prevent minor problems from escalating.

3. You Have Heard Some Abnormal Noise

You should always pay close attention to your car when driving to know what is normal and what is not. If you notice any unfamiliar noise, do not assume it will go away. In some instances, the issue may be harmless, but in other cases, your car could be signalling a deeper problem. And since you cannot tell where the sound is coming from, it is best to have a mechanic inspect it. If the sound feels like clunking, a part may be loose. If it feels more like squealing, the fluid levels could be down.

Protect your car from extensive damages by seeing a mechanic as soon as you experience the above signs. Also, do not forget to take your vehicle for regular auto service checks to keep it in good shape. 
