Automatic Transmission Fluid: How it Works, Types, and Problems

16 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Your car's automatic transmission depends on its fluids. When you have a leak or other fluid problem, your transmission will fail to work. You may wonder what the automatic transmission fluid does. Also, you may want to know whether you can use manual and automatic transmission fluid interchangeably. Continue reading to learn more about the purpose of automatic transmission fluid. Also, find out why it's important to keep your vehicle's fluids in good condition. Read More 

Suspecting All Is Not Well With Your Auto Gear Shifter? What A Mechanic Says Could Be Wrong

14 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The transmission is an essential part of your vehicle. When it is working, your car functions properly. On the other hand, when you have issues with the system, you will have a challenge manoeuvring the vehicle by shifting the gears. You can always tell when your car has developed transmission issues by its behaviour. Here are some indicators that your transmission has stopped working and needs immediate repair.  Does the Transmission Keep Slipping Read More 

Why You Need to Inspect the Rubber Bushes on Your Car Regularly

16 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Tens of thousands of parts make up a typical car or truck, and many will wear out over time. Some are specifically designed to do this, while others will naturally deteriorate due to the stress and strain of everyday use. As a car owner or driver, it is your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is as roadworthy as possible and make sure that crucial parts are inspected from time to time. Read More 

Is the Engine Cooler Fitted to Your Car Beginning to Fail?

20 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The engine in the modern-day car operates at a very high temperature. This can often be as high as 220°F, and engineers go to great lengths to design a system that can help cool the motor as much as possible. While it is essential to maintain the correct level of coolant, it is also important to modify the oil temperature that circulates within the block. To do this, your car may be fitted with an oil cooling system, but this can sometimes show signs of an issue. Read More 

Is Your Car Due For a Tune-Up? 3 Signs That Can Guide You

20 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you have something new and valuable, you tend to give it the best care and attention. But when you become too familiar with it, this good habit fades away. That is especially true for a brand new car. Naturally, there is so much excitement when the motor is new, and you'll try to do everything possible to keep it in good condition. But sadly, as it gets old, the attention diminishes, and negligence starts. Read More